Marcus Gollahon

Private and Commercial Maneuvers Guide for Cessna 172N: The Ultimate Guide

As a flight instructor, I know how important it is to instill good habits in student pilots from the very beginning. The following guide outlines the recommended set-up procedures for various flight maneuvers in a Cessna 172N. Keep in mind that every flight is different, and you should always consult your aircraft's operating handbook and follow air traffic control instructions. This guide serves as additional learning material and will be available as an editable Word document in my Gumroad store for further customization.

Maneuvers Guide for Cessna 172N: The Ultimate Guide

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Prior To Any Flight Maneuver

  • Clear the area with 2 – 90° turns
  • Clear area of traffic
  • Maintain straight and level flight and trimmed

Slow Flight

  • Reduce to 1500 RPM: Lower engine RPM to 1500.
  • Mixture to Full Rich: Adjust the mixture control to the full rich setting.
  • Increase Pitch: Raise the aircraft's pitch to maintain altitude as airspeed decreases.
  • Carb Heat ON: Activate carburetor heat.
  • Slow to 80 kts: Reduce speed until you reach 80 knots.
  • Incremental Slowing: Continue to slow down in 10-knot increments while extending flaps in 10-degree increments. Stop at 30 degrees of flaps and 50 knots airspeed. Anticipate changes in elevator pressure.
  • Add Throttle to Maintain Altitude: Add enough throttle to maintain altitude, typically around 2000 RPM.
  • Maintain Coordinated Flight: Use increased right rudder at low speeds and high power settings to maintain coordinated flight.
  • Maneuvers: Execute straight and level flight and turns with a bank angle of 15 degrees or less.
  • Use Power and Pitch: Use throttle to maintain altitude and adjust pitch to maintain airspeed.

Completion Standards

Private Pilot:
  • Altitude: Within ± 100 feet of assigned altitude.
  • Heading: Within ± 10 degrees of assigned heading.
  • Airspeed: +10/-0 knots of the assigned airspeed.
  • Specified Bank: Within ± 10 degrees of the assigned bank angle.
Commercial Pilot:
  • Altitude: Within ± 50 feet of assigned altitude.
  • Heading: Within ± 10 degrees of assigned heading.
  • Airspeed: +5/-0 knots of the assigned airspeed.
  • Specified Bank: Within ± 5 degrees of the assigned bank angle.

Slow Flight Recovery

  • Full Power and Flaps to 20°: Increase throttle to full power and set flaps to 20 degrees. Reduce pitch to maintain altitude.
  • Carb Heat OFF: Turn off carburetor heat.
  • Flaps to 10° at 62 kts: Retract flaps to 10 degrees as you accelerate through 62 knots. Trim as necessary.
  • Flaps to 0° at 74 kts: Retract flaps completely as you accelerate to 74 knots. Trim as necessary.
  • Level Off: Level off as instructed by adjusting pitch, setting power to 2300 RPM, and using trim.

Power Off Stall (Approach to Landing Stall)

  • Reduce Power to 1200 RPM: Lower engine RPM to 1200.
  • Mixture Full Rich: Adjust the mixture control to the full rich setting.
  • Extend Flaps: Extend flaps one notch at a time, ensuring you are below 85 knots.
  • Carb Heat ON: Activate carburetor heat.
  • Power to Idle / Maintain 65 kts: Reduce power to idle while maintaining an airspeed of 65 knots. Aim for a descent rate of approximately 500 FPM.
  • Apply Back Pressure: Apply back pressure to achieve a maximum of 20 degrees pitch up.
  • Announce 'Imminent Stall': Make the call when the stall warning light/horn activates.

Completion Standards

Private Pilot & Commercial Pilot:
  • As Directed by the Evaluator: Follow specific instructions from the evaluator regarding when to announce the stall.

Power Off Stall Recovery

  • Full Power, Carb Heat OFF: Increase to full power, and turn off the carburetor heat. Reduce pitch and maintain wings level with coordinated rudder.
  • Retract Flaps to 20°: Retract flaps to 20 degrees while establishing a climb and reaching Vy pitch attitude.
  • Retract Flaps to 10° at 62 kts: Retract flaps to 10 degrees as you accelerate through Vx (62 knots).
  • Retract Flaps to 0° at 74 kts: Fully retract the flaps as you accelerate to 74 knots, then stabilize your climb out at Vy (74 knots).
  • Level Off: Level off as instructed, adjusting pitch, setting power to 2300 RPM, and using trim.

Power On Stall (Departure Stall)

  • Mixture Full Rich: Adjust the mixture control to the full rich setting.
  • Carb Heat ON: Activate carburetor heat.
  • Slow to 55 kts: Slow down to 55 knots in level flight, which is the rotation speed (Vr).
  • Add 80%-100% Power: Add between 80% to 100% of full engine power while coordinating right rudder as needed.
  • Increase Pitch: Smoothly increase the pitch to induce a stall, up to a maximum of 20 degrees.
  • Announce 'Imminent Stall': Make the call when the stall warning light/horn activates.

Completion Standards

Private Pilot & Commercial Pilot:
  • As Directed by the Evaluator: Follow specific instructions from the evaluator regarding when to announce the stall.

Power On Stall Recovery

  • Full Power, Carb Heat OFF: Increase to full power and turn off the carburetor heat. Reduce pitch to accelerate.
  • Accelerate to and Capture Vy (74 kts): Accelerate to 74 knots (Vy) and establish a climb.
  • Level Off: Level off as instructed, adjusting pitch and setting power to 2300 RPM, and using trim.

Normal Takeoff (No Flaps)

  • Flaps 0º: Set the flaps to 0 degrees as per the Pilot's Operating Handbook (POH).
  • Carb Heat OFF: Turn off carburetor heat.
  • Taxi onto Runway Centerline: Position the aircraft on the runway centerline.
  • Apply Full Power: Increase engine power to full.
  • Engine Instruments Check: Announce that the engine instruments, particularly RPM and Oil PSI, have been checked and are in the green.
  • Announce "Airspeed Alive": Announce when the airspeed indicator starts to move, indicating that the airspeed is "alive."
  • Accelerate to Vr (55 kts): Accelerate to rotation speed of 55 knots.
  • Pitch to Rotate: Apply back pressure on the yoke or stick to rotate the aircraft off the ground.
  • Pitch for Vy (74 kts): Adjust pitch to attain the best rate-of-climb speed, which is 74 knots for this example.

Completion Standards

Private Pilot:
  • Airspeed: Maintain an airspeed within +10/-5 knots of the designated speed.
Commercial Pilot:
  • Airspeed: Maintain an airspeed within ±5 knots of the designated speed.

Normal Landing

  • Select Runway Touchdown Point: Choose the point on the runway where you intend to touch down.
  • 80 kts on Downwind, 2000 RPM: Maintain 80 knots and 2000 RPM while on the downwind leg.
  • Abeam Touchdown Point (1700 RPM, 10º): When abeam your touchdown point, reduce power to 1700 RPM and extend flaps to 10 degrees.
  • Carb Heat ON: Turn on carburetor heat.
  • BGUMPS Check: Perform the BGUMPS checklist: Boost Pump, Gas, Undercarriage, Mixture, Propeller, Seatbelts.
  • Turn Base at 45º: Turn base when your touchdown point is 45 degrees off your shoulder.
  • Extend 20º Flaps, Pitch for 70 kts: On base, extend flaps to 20 degrees and adjust pitch to maintain 70 knots.
  • Turn Final, Extend 30º Flaps, Pitch for 65 kts: On the final approach, extend flaps to 30 degrees and adjust pitch to maintain 65 knots.
  • Reduce Power for Landing: Smoothly reduce power to land at the selected point on the runway.

Completion Standards

Private Pilot:
  • Airspeed: Maintain an airspeed within +10/-5 knots of the designated speed.
  • Distance: No specified landing distance.
Commercial Pilot:
  • Airspeed: Maintain an airspeed within ±5 knots of the designated speed.
  • Distance: Touchdown should occur within +200/-0 feet of the specified point.

Short Field Takeoff (No Flaps)

  • Flaps 0º per POH: Set flaps to 0 degrees as per the Pilot's Operating Handbook.
  • Taxi onto Runway Centerline: Use all available runway and align with the centerline.
  • Mixture Set: Adjust the mixture setting as appropriate.
  • Carb Heat OFF: Turn off carburetor heat.
  • Hold Brakes, Apply Full Power: While holding the brakes, apply full throttle.
  • Count to 3 and Release Brakes: After a 3-second count, release the brakes.
  • Engine Instruments Check: Announce and verify that RPM and oil PSI are within appropriate ranges.
  • Airspeed Alive: Announce when the airspeed indicator starts to show a positive reading.
  • Accelerate to Vr (55 kts) and Rotate: At 55 knots, rotate the aircraft for takeoff.
  • Climb at Vx (62 kts): Climb at 62 knots until you've cleared any obstacles.
  • Announce 'Obstacles Cleared': Once you have cleared all obstacles, make this announcement.
  • Pitch for Vy (74 kts): Transition to a climb at 74 knots for best rate of climb.

Completion Standards

Private Pilot:
  • Airspeed: Maintain an airspeed within +10/-5 knots of the designated speed.
Commercial Pilot:
  • Airspeed: Maintain an airspeed within ±5 knots of the designated speed.

Short Field Landing

  • Select Runway Touchdown Point: Choose the point on the runway where you aim to touch down.
  • 80 kts on Downwind, 2000 RPM: Maintain 80 knots and set the engine to 2000 RPM while on downwind leg.
  • Abeam Touchdown Point: Adjust to 1700 RPM and extend flaps to 10º when abeam your chosen touchdown point.
  • Carb Heat ON: Activate the carburetor heat.
  • BGUMPS: Go through the BGUMPS checklist (Boost Pump, Gas, Undercarriage, Mixture, Propeller, Seatbelts).
  • 45º Turn to Base: Turn onto base leg when your touchdown point is 45º off your shoulder.
  • Extend 20º Flaps: Extend the flaps to 20º and adjust pitch to maintain 70 knots.
  • Turn Final: Turn onto the final approach, extend flaps to 30º, and adjust pitch for 60 knots.
  • Touchdown: Smoothly reduce power to ensure you land on or beyond the specified point on the runway.
  • Post-Landing: Retract all flaps, apply maximum braking without skidding tires, and full back pressure on yoke.

Completion Standards

Private Pilot:
  • Airspeed: +10/-5 knots of the designated airspeed.
  • Touchdown Point: Must touch down at or beyond the specified point, within a range of +200/-0 feet.
Commercial Pilot:
  • Airspeed: ±5 knots of the designated airspeed.
  • Touchdown Point: Must touch down at or beyond the specified point, within a range of +100/-0 feet.

Soft Field Takeoff with 10º Flaps

  • Set Flaps to 10º: Adjust the flaps to a 10º angle.
  • Yoke Full Aft: While holding the yoke fully aft, taxi onto the runway centerline with a smooth turn. Avoid using brakes.
  • Mixture Set: Set the fuel-air mixture according to the aircraft’s operating manual.
  • Carb Heat OFF: Turn off the carburetor heat.
  • Apply Full Power: Apply full throttle, while releasing enough back pressure to avoid a tail strike.
  • Engine Check: Announce that engine instruments have been checked, including RPM and Oil PSI.
  • Airspeed Alive: Announce when the airspeed indicator starts to move.
  • Nose Wheel Lift: Maintain sufficient elevator back pressure to keep the nose wheel slightly off the runway.
  • Lift Off: Lift off at the minimum required airspeed.
  • Ground Effect: Reduce the pitch to remain in ground effect and accelerate to Vy or Vx.
  • Pitch Up: Increase pitch at Vx (62 kts) or Vy (74 kts).
  • Obstacle Clearance: Climb at Vx (62 kts) until any obstacles are cleared, if necessary.
  • Announce “Obstacles Cleared”: Once obstacles are cleared, make the announcement.
  • Pitch for Vy: Adjust pitch for a Vy of 74 kts.
  • Retract Flaps: Retract the flaps in stages as you approach Vy (74 kts).

Completion Standards

Private Pilot:
  • Airspeed: +10/-5 knots of the designated airspeed.
Commercial Pilot:
  • Airspeed: ±5 knots of the designated airspeed.

Soft Field Landing

  • Select Runway Touchdown Point: Choose the point where you intend to land on the runway.
  • Downwind Speed: Maintain a speed of 80 kts and set engine to 2000 RPM while on the downwind leg.
  • Carb Heat ON: Turn on the carburetor heat.
  • Abeam Touchdown Point: When abeam your chosen touchdown point, reduce engine RPM to 1700 and extend flaps to 10º.
  • BGUMPS: Perform the BGUMPS check (Boost Pump, Gas, Undercarriage, Mixture, Propeller, Seatbelts).
  • Base Turn: Turn onto the base leg when your touchdown point is at a 45º angle off your shoulder.
  • Flaps and Pitch on Base: Extend flaps to 20º and pitch for a speed of 70 kts.
  • Final Turn and Approach: Turn final, extend flaps to 30º, and pitch for 65 kts.
  • Soft Touchdown: Use power as needed to allow for a soft landing.
  • Post-Landing: Upon landing, gradually transition the weight from the wings to the main wheels. Achieve a soft touchdown and hold the yoke full back. Maintain power as needed to keep weight off the nose wheel.

Completion Standards

  • Soft Touchdown: Achieve a gentle landing, transitioning weight from wings to main wheels, and holding the yoke fully back while maintaining the necessary power to keep weight off the nose wheel.

Go-Around (Balked Landing)

  • Add Full Power: Immediately advance the throttle to full power setting.
  • Flaps to 20º: Retract flaps to 20º position.
  • Carb Heat OFF: Turn off carburetor heat.
  • Pitch for 60 kts: Adjust the aircraft's pitch to maintain 60 kts.
  • Positive Rate of Climb: Once a positive rate of climb is established, slowly bring flaps to 10º.
  • Climb at Vx: If there is an obstacle, climb at Vx speed of 62 kts until the obstacle is cleared.
  • Announce "Obstacles Cleared": Once you are sure that all obstacles are cleared, make the announcement.
  • Pitch for Vy: Adjust the pitch to climb at Vy speed of 74 kts.
  • Retract Final Flaps: As speed approaches Vy (74 kts), retract the remaining flaps in stages.

Rectangular Course

  • Locate Emergency Landing Areas: Identify suitable areas for emergency landing before entering the maneuver.
  • Enter at Altitude: Enter the maneuver at an altitude between 600' – 1000' AGL.
  • Entry Speed and RPM: Enter on a 45º angle to downwind with 2000 RPM and at 90 kts.
  • Course Boundary: Maintain a distance of ¼ to ½ mile from the course boundary (about 1/2 up the strut for visual reference).
  • Crab for Wind: Adjust the aircraft's heading to correct for wind drift.
  • Course Legs: Complete the base, upwind, crosswind, and downwind legs of the course.
  • Exit Strategy: Exit the course at a 45º angle on the downwind leg.

Completion Standards (PPL)

  • Altitude: Maintain altitude ±100'.
  • Airspeed: Maintain airspeed ±10 kts.

S-Turns Across a Road

  • Determine Emergency Landing Spot: Choose a suitable area for emergency landing before initiating the maneuver.
  • Enter at Altitude: Execute the maneuver at an altitude of 600'–1000' AGL.
  • Entry Speed and RPM: Enter downwind perpendicular to the road at 2000 RPM and 90 kts.
  • Turn Characteristics: Follow this bank sequence for your turns: STEEP, MEDIUM, SHALLOW, MEDIUM, STEEP.
  • Bank to Crab for Wind: Use the angle of bank to counteract wind drift.
  • Exit Strategy: Conclude the maneuver by exiting on the downwind leg.

Completion Standards (PPL)

  • Altitude: Maintain altitude ±100'.
  • Airspeed: Keep airspeed within ±10 kts.

Turns Around a Point

  • Determine Emergency Landing Spot: Choose a suitable area for emergency landing before starting the maneuver.
  • Enter at Altitude: Conduct the maneuver at an altitude of 600'–1000' AGL.
  • Entry Speed and RPM: Enter at a 45-degree angle to the downwind, maintaining 2000 RPM and 90 kts.
  • Initiate Turn: Once the reference point is under the wing, initiate a left turn of approximately 30 degrees of bank.
  • Adjust Bank at Crosswind: During the crosswind leg, reduce your bank angle to maintain an equal radius from the reference point (medium bank). Note that the wing will not be over the reference point.
  • Shallow Bank at Upwind: At the upwind position, your bank angle will be the shallowest due to the slowest groundspeed.
  • Increase Bank at Second Crosswind: On the second crosswind, increase your bank angle to maintain an equal distance from the reference point.
  • Complete the Circuit: Finish one complete circuit around the reference point.

Completion Standards (PPL)

  • Altitude: Keep altitude within a range of ±100'.
  • Airspeed: Maintain airspeed within ±10 kts.

Steep Turns

  • Heading and Altitude: Note your current heading using an outside reference point, and your current altitude.
  • Set RPM and Airspeed: Adjust power to maintain 2100 RPM, which will give you an approximate airspeed of 90 kts.
  • Initiate Turn: Roll into a 45-degree banked turn for PPL, or a 50-degree banked turn for Commercial.
  • Power Adjustment: Add power to maintain airspeed, approximately 2300 RPM may be needed.
  • Back Pressure and Power: Use back pressure to maintain altitude and power adjustments to maintain airspeed.
  • Trim: Optionally, apply 3-4 turns of nose-up trim to alleviate control pressures.
  • Instrument Scan: Continuously scan the instruments: out front for attitude, vertical speed indicator (VSI), altimeter, and airspeed.
  • Rollout: Lead the rollout by 1/3 of the bank angle to come back to your initial heading.
  • Reduce Power and Pitch: After the roll out, adjust power and pitch as needed to maintain altitude and airspeed.
  • Remove Trim: Take out any added trim to return to a neutral control state.

Completion Standards

  • Altitude: Maintain altitude within ±100 feet.
  • Airspeed: Keep airspeed within ±10 knots.
  • Bank Angle: Bank angle should be within ±5 degrees of the targeted bank angle.
  • Rollout: Roll out on the entry heading within ±10 degrees.

Emergency Descent

  • Power: Move the throttle to IDLE position.
  • Bank Angle: Establish a bank angle between 30 and 45 degrees.
  • Carb Heat: Turn Carb Heat ON.
  • Airspeed: Establish and maintain an airspeed of 100 knots.
  • In Case of Fire: Announce and execute "Fuel OFF, Mixture OFF".

Key Points

  • The aim of an emergency descent is to lose altitude as quickly and safely as possible, often in response to situations like engine failure, in-flight fire, or other urgent scenarios.
  • The bank angle is used to maintain control and enhance visibility while descending. A moderate bank facilitates a spiral descent.
  • Carb heat is applied to prevent carburetor icing during the rapid change in altitude.
  • The target airspeed is generally faster than the normal descent speed but still well below the aircraft's never-exceed speed (VNE).

Emergency Approach and Landing (ABCs)

Airspeed, Best place to land, Checklist
  • Establish Vg: Maintain the best glide speed, typically 70 knots for many general aviation aircraft.
  • Carb Heat: Turn ON the carburetor heat.
  • Pick a Landing Site: Select a suitable area for emergency landing.
  • Set Up Traffic Pattern: Aim to position the aircraft for a downwind leg in a simulated traffic pattern over your chosen landing site.
  • Emergency Checklist: If your altitude is over 2000 feet, perform the EMERGENCY CHECKLIST.
  • Go-Around: Execute a go-around maneuver at 500 feet AGL.

Key Points

  • Vg (Best Glide Speed): Establishing and maintaining the best glide speed is critical in maximizing the distance the aircraft can glide without engine power.
  • Carb Heat: Always ON to prevent carburetor icing which could compound the emergency.
  • Landing Site Selection: Opt for a site with adequate length, minimal obstacles, and a surface conducive to landing. Consider wind direction.
  • Downwind Leg: Setting up a traffic pattern helps standardize your approach and increases the likelihood of a successful landing.
  • Emergency Checklist: If altitude allows, consult the emergency checklist for a systematic evaluation of the aircraft’s status and any possible remedial actions.
  • Go-Around: The go-around at 500 feet AGL is used for training to simulate an emergency landing without actually touching down. It prepares you for an actual emergency, where you would continue the approach to a full stop.

Reference Airspeeds

Here is a summary of the common reference airspeeds for a typical small general aviation aircraft. Note that these speeds are hypothetical examples and should be verified with your aircraft's specific Pilot's Operating Handbook (POH).

  • Vr (Rotation Speed): 55 knots
    • The speed at which the aircraft becomes airborne.
  • Vso (Stall Speed in Landing Configuration): 40 knots
    • Minimum flying speed at which the aircraft will stall with flaps and landing gear in the landing configuration.
  • Vs1 (Stall Speed in a Specific Configuration): 48 knots
    • Minimum flying speed at which the aircraft will stall in a specified configuration.
  • Vx (Best Angle of Climb Speed): 62 knots
    • Speed at which the aircraft will gain the most altitude in a given horizontal distance.
  • Vy (Best Rate of Climb Speed): 74 knots
    • Speed at which the aircraft will gain the most altitude in a given amount of time.
  • Vno (Maximum Structural Cruising Speed): 129 knots
    • Maximum speed for turbulent air and other rough conditions.
  • Vne (Never Exceed Speed): 163 knots
    • Speed that should never be exceeded.
  • Vfe (Maximum Flap Extended Speed): 85 knots
    • Maximum speed with flaps extended.
  • Vg (Best Glide Speed): 70 knots with flaps
    • Speed at which the aircraft will glide the farthest distance for a given altitude.
  • Va (Maneuvering Speed)
    • 105 knots @ Max Gross Weight
    • 98 knots @ Mid-Range Weight
    • 90 knots @ Very Light Weight
    • Speed at which the aircraft can be fully controlled without exceeding design load factors.

Please consult your aircraft's POH for accurate and aircraft-specific data.

Safety Passenger Briefing (S.A.F.E.T.Y.)

Before taking off, it's crucial to give your passengers a safety briefing to ensure their well-being and prepare them for any emergency situations. Here is a comprehensive sample briefing:

Seat Belts and Shoulder Harnesses

  • Seat belts must be fastened for taxi, takeoff, and landing.
  • Shoulder harnesses should also be fastened for takeoff and landing.
  • Ensure your seat is properly adjusted and locked in place for the flight.

Air Vents and Passenger Comfort

  • The air vents are located [describe location]. You can adjust them [explain operation] to ensure your comfort.
  • If you experience any discomfort or feel sick, please inform me immediately.

Fire Extinguisher

  • The fire extinguisher is located [describe location].
  • To use it, [explain the operation of the fire extinguisher].

Exit Doors and Emergency Evacuation

  • The exit doors are [describe location].
  • Here's how to secure them: [explain how to secure].
  • To open them in case of an emergency: [explain how to open].
  • In the event of an emergency landing, we will [describe the evacuation plan].

Traffic Awareness and Sterile Cockpit

  • If you see any other aircraft nearby, please inform me immediately.
  • The sterile cockpit rule means that during critical phases of flight (takeoff, landing, and other times as specified), I need to focus exclusively on flying. Please limit conversation during these times.

Your Questions

  • If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to speak up. Your safety and comfort are my priorities.

Click here to get the full guide as an editable Word document in my Gumroad store!

This guide aims to serve as a comprehensive reference, but always remember to consult the official manuals and your instructor for the most accurate and personalized guidance.

About the author
Marcus Gollahon

Marcus Gollahon

Airline Pilot at SkyWest Charter, blends flight expertise with a passion for teaching and coding. Committed to aviation excellence and innovative education.

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